Simplification of customs procedures – subject of discussion with business representatives
28 February 2023, Chisinau – The Customs Service management together with the Minister of Finance Veronica Sirețeanu and the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitization Dumitru Alaiba met today with representatives of the business environment in an information session on several topical issues aimed at amending the regulatory framework in order to simplify customs procedures, held on the platform of the Economic Council under the Prime Minister, which also performs the functions of the National Committee for Trade Facilitation. The session was also attended by EU High Counsellor Rosario de Blasio, it says in a press release of the Customs Service of RM.
The agenda included topics concerning the area of simplification of the compulsory registration of economic agents, such as the exclusion of the compulsory registration of economic agents with the Customs Service, the documents required for the procedure of customs clearance of goods, the electronic declaration for Free Economic Zones and the Giurgiulesti Free International Port, as well as the provisions of the new Customs Code 95/2021 and its Implementing Regulation.
The economic agents were familiarized with the new procedure introduced by the Customs Service, concerning the automated registration of economic agents, an action aimed at facilitating customs-business procedures by exploiting information technologies and promoting a paperless environment in customs, recognized at European level, as well as at international level by the World Customs Organization, according to the Framework Standards on Security and Facilitation of World Trade (SAFE), to which the Republic of Moldova is a party.
“Transparentisation, de-bureaucratisation and digitisation of processes is a priority of the Government, aimed at the common benefit, both for the business environment, in order to operate in better conditions and with simplified procedures, and for the authorities, in the process of uniform application of the legal framework and efficient collection of taxes in the state budget,” said Finance Minister Veronica Sirețeanu.
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitisation Dumitru Alaiba mentioned the importance of digitisation and modernisation of customs procedures in the context of the development of an inclusive, sustainable and digital economy in Moldova. Mr. Alaiba concluded that “Harmonization of customs procedures with those of the EU will provide a multitude of benefits to the business environment, and standardization of the regulatory framework will increase the investment attractiveness of the Republic of Moldova and through such steps we will demonopolize exports and give more and more companies the opportunity to benefit from DCFTA opportunities”.
The Director of the Customs Service, Igor Talmazan pointed out the benefit of automated registration of economic agents, which as a result will provide multiple benefits both for business, including exporters, importers, customs brokers and carriers, and for the efficiency of customs administration.
In the same vein, Mr. Talmazan noted, that in order to facilitate legitimate trade and fight against fraud, simple, fast and standardized customs procedures and processes are necessary, and based on this premise, the Customs Service promotes and supports the creation of a simple and convenient environment for customs and trade, through the use of modern customs control tools and technologies, thus helping to provide a basis for effective customs procedures.
Following the approval of the new provisions, economic operators will save time and money, gain independence from customs territorial jurisdiction, eliminate contact with the customs official, use electronic permit documents, etc.
The session gathered more than 50 representatives of business associations and investors, development partners, and in the spirit of intensifying cooperation on issues of common interest, the participants agreed to continue consultations on the common dialogue platform, which will contribute to simplifying customs procedures, facilitating international trade and adjusting customs legislation to the provisions of the acquis communautaire.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.
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