The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

Press Releases

State control system over entrepreneurial activity to be reformed 

The first meeting of the working groups on the reform of the system of state control over entrepreneurial activity was held on the platform of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. The reform takes place in the context of the Government’s Order of 25 July 2023. In order to […]

30 million lei will be allocated for the implementation of the Programme to support female entrepreneurship

The draft Women’s Entrepreneurship Support Programme was presented at the 10th jubilee meeting of Working Group 9 “Women’s Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality” of the Economic Council. According to Dumitru Pîntea, director of the Organisation for Entrepreneurial Development (ODA), the Programme to Support Women’s Entrepreneurship targets four measures: Non-reimbursable financial support for start-up women entrepreneurs; […]

The frequency of physical and identity checks of food of non-animal origin at the state border will be reduced

The government is streamlining the National Food Safety Agency’s (ANSA) controls at the state border. The Executive has approved amendments to the Regulation on how to cross the state border for goods subject to ANSA control (Government Decision No 938). Thus, the frequency of physical and identity checks of food goods of non-animal origin is […]

Two more deregulation packages 4 and 5 discussed at the Economic Council

Business deregulation packages 4 and 5 provide for an improvement to the business community by eliminating less justified or necessary requirements.   Thus, among other things, the documents provide for the removal from the Health Regulation on the health surveillance of persons exposed to occupational risk factors, of the medical examination on hiring and periodic […]

The business community participates in developing actions to promote entrepreneurship 

8 August 2023 – State actions targeting the country’s competitiveness will be debated within the Working Group No. 5 of the Economic Council, chaired by Dan Nuțiu, Executive President of the Association of Romanian Investors in Moldova, which has been renamed from “Improving Moldova’s position in international rankings” to “Increasing Moldova’s competitiveness in the context […]

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection has told the business community about the reform of the Labour Inspectorate

The State Labour Inspectorate is in the process of reform. This was announced by the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Corina Ajder at the meeting of the Working Group ,,Rеduсеrеa of informal oсupationе and fеnomеnе ,,wages in pliс” of the Economic Council under the Prime Minister of RM. The […]

Parliament approved new business opportunities for Limited Liability Companies

The Parliament approved a draft law introducing reforms to the regulation of the relationship between partners/founders of companies. The document provides for new opportunities and more rights for partners, as well as simplification of some bureaucratic procedures. Among other things, the new regulations provide for the exclusion of the maximum threshold for the number of […]

Moldovan authorities propose package to simplify and reduce bureaucracy in tax and customs sectors

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization have made public a new package to simplify and reduce bureaucracy in the tax and customs sectors. The initiative would support the development of the business environment and save money and time for entrepreneurs. Minister of Finance Veronica Sirețeanu said today that the […]

Moldovan economic agents to be exempted from certain taxes, if they recycle packing

The economic agents will be exempted from the tax on packing, if they recover or recycle the packing which they introduce on market. The parliament adopted a draft law to this effect in the second reading today. The document was worked out, in order to remove legislative inconsistencies for the efficient implementation of the producers’ […]

Builders call for changes to public procurement law

In 52% of public procurement cases, the authorities award the contract to the economic operator submitting the lowest price offer. These are the data from the study “Deficiencies of the public procurement system. Abnormally low bids in works procurement procedures”, prepared by expert Vadim Turcan at the request of the National Confederation of Employers of […]