The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund
This was the view of 96 percent of respondents to the annual survey of Economic Council members. According to the survey, 89 percent of respondents believe that the Economic Council promotes initiatives that are in line with the interests of business associations and international best practices. The data also shows that the Economic Council promotes reforms and initiatives that contribute to the empowerment of women in business. This is the opinion of 96 percent of respondents. 94% of respondents believe that the Economic Council promotes initiatives relevant to the process of digitisation of the economy and that it ensures an effective dialogue between the state and Small and Medium Enterprises to address the issues raised by SMEs. The survey also showed that 93% of respondents believe that the business environment has improved in the areas where the Economic Council has been active. The survey respondents also suggested more frequent meetings between Council members and business representatives to better understand their needs and concerns. It was also suggested to promote policies to support small businesses and to develop an educational programme for SMEs. The survey was conducted between January and February 2023 with 82 out of 145 Economic Council members participating.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.