Experts of the Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister convened the first meeting of the Working Group No. 2 on the reform of the control area. The group discusses issues in the field of market surveillance and consumer protection control and is composed of representatives of the State Chancellery, the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitisation, the State Inspectorate for Supervision of Non-Food Products and Consumer Protection (ISSPNPC), as well as other stakeholders and representatives of the business community.
The review of the legislation in this regard is taking place within the framework of the thematic working groups, established on the basis of Government Order 108-d of 25 July 2023. Thus according to the experts, among other things, it is noted that for example the State Inspectorate for the Supervision of Non-Food Products and Consumer Protection (ISSPNPC), by a Government Decision, has been assigned control functions regarding the production and placing on the market of solid biofuel.
This, the experts note, is in contradiction with the law, especially as the energy segment is under the control and supervision of the National Agency for Energy Regulation, which, according to the law, has these powers. The experts therefore propose revising the regulatory framework in this regard. According to the experts, the Public Services Agency (PSA) is granted the right to “verify” compliance with the criteria underlying the classification of the tourist structure, with the right to grant or withdraw the classification certificate (including declassification). However, the ISSPNPC also has this power and this speaks of a duplication of controls.
The experts recommend adjusting the relevant legislation so that classification certificates are granted according to the procedure for permit documents, i.e. the conformity check is carried out by the Inspectorate at the request of the ASP. In this way the Inspectorate will also have up-to-date information on tourist accommodation establishments. Also in the consumer rights protection segment, there is a duplication of control actions on the activity of entrepreneurs by the ISSPNPC with those of the Local Public Administration in terms of checking the correctness of the keeping of the Register of Complaints. However, according to the law only the LPA exercises control over the correctness of keeping the Registers of Complaints in all establishments in the managed territory.
Proposals for amendments to the regulatory framework drafted by experts involved in promoting the reform of the system of state control over entrepreneurial activity will be submitted to the authorities for consideration and promotion. Various opinions were expressed by the participants at the meeting and it was agreed that proposals for solutions to the problems discussed will be developed.
And then the discussions will be returned to finalize them and propose the necessary regulatory changes. The reform of the system of state control over entrepreneurial activity is planned for 2023-2024 and is being promoted with the support of the business community, members of the Economic Council, representatives of state institutions and donor organizations.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund, and the International Finance Corporation’s Investment Climate Reform Project funded by the Government of Sweden’s International Development Agency.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.
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