The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund


Parliament approved several legislative rules for the development of distance business

Parliament has approved several legislative rules for the development of distance business. One of the most important provisions is the completion of notarial acts at a distance, electronically. This will make it possible to establish the identity and capacity of persons, read notarial acts and establish consent without physical interaction between the parties and the […]

Draft law on facilitating business activity voted in first reading

The draft law on the modification of some normative acts, which provides for the facilitation of the business environment, was voted in the first reading, according to a Parliament press release. The amendments cover a number of areas of importance to the work of economic agents, aimed at reducing business costs and improving relations between […]

EBRD Vice President met with the Economic Council Secretariat

Mark Bowman, Vice President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development met with experts of the Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister. During the discussions, the EBRD Vice President wanted to learn more about the topics on the agenda of the Economic Council and the expectations of investors. In this context, […]

The procedures that economic operators and citizens go through when connecting to public utilities could be revised

The procedures that economic operators and citizens go through when connecting to public utilities could be revised In order to gain access to public utility services – water, sewerage, gas and electricity networks – businesses and citizens, if networks need to be built, can go through dozens of procedures before they can use such services. […]

Moldova’s labour market needs to be liberalised to make it attractive for employees

Moldova’s labour market needs to be liberalised to make it attractive for employees The Ministry of Economic Development and Digitisation has set up a special working group for the stimulation of the labour market, whose secretariat is provided by the Secretariat of the Economic Council under the Prime Minister of Moldova. The first meeting discussed […]

Remote business will be easier to manage. Cabinet of ministers voted to remove several constraints

Remote business will be easier to manage. Cabinet of ministers voted to remove several constraints The executive approved, at the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitisation, the draft law on the amendment of some normative acts “Development of remote business in the Republic of Moldova /Contactless Business in Moldova”. The draft law […]

Facilitating the business environment through digital means eKYC and eNotary

Facilitating the business environment through digital means eKYC and eNotary A Memorandum of Understanding has been concluded between the Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister and the eGovernment Agency.  The document was signed electronically at the launch event of the joint project “Creation of eKYC and eNotary Universal Technology Platforms”. It will […]

National e-commerce legislation has been updated according to the European model

    The Parliament voted in final reading amendments that bring national legislation into line with current European practice in the field and remove a number of constraints that were hampering the development of e-commerce and enhancing the protection of consumer rights, a Parliament press release said. With today’s vote, MEPs made a series of […]

Less red tape for entrepreneurs: a package of laws that will save around 50 million lei

Government approved a package of legal amendments that will significantly reduce red tape, saving entrepreneurs and the state about 50 million lei. Significant changes are proposed in various areas: labour relations, digitalisation, IT and electronic communications, state control of entrepreneurial activity and others. According to the new provisions in the field of labour relations, the […]

Reform Support Teams, Technical Assistance to the Government of Moldova in advancing Infrastructure Reforms

Consultancy opportunities EBRD funded project:  Reform Support Teams, Technical Assistance to the Government of Moldova in advancing Infrastructure Reforms Objective and Scope of the project In response to a request from the Government of Moldova, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development has launched a pilot project to support the government’s reform capability with the […]