Experts from the Secretariat of the Economic Council under the Prime Minister of Moldova met today in a first meeting with experts from the USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms (MISRA) Program to launch work on significantly reducing the burden and risks of state inspection and sanctions on businesses.
Among the objectives of the activity are to increase transparency, awareness and accountability, among state bodies and stakeholders, of the state inspection and sanction system. Another objective will be to improve the framework legislation on inspections and sanctions. The third objective is to reduce the burden imposed by the inspection/sanctions areas, including in terms of compliance requirements, powers of institutions, procedures and sanctions.
The Head of the Secretariat of the Economic Council, Ion Lupan, mentioned during the meeting that in the process of identifying the legislative constraints that stand in the way of economic agents, direct communication will take place with representatives of the business community in focus groups, meetings, discussions with entrepreneurs from key sectors on specific topics. This will ensure a more thorough study of the problem and easier identification of opportunities for legislative change.
Radu Vrabie, Deputy Director of the USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms (MISRA) Program, noted the importance of the involvement of program experts in the process of reforming the business regulatory framework, which aims, among other things, to improve the business and trade environment in Moldova by supporting government institutions and the private sector in implementing trade liberalization mechanisms, adopting structural reforms and business incentives, and improving strategic communication between private and public sector actors.
It should be noted that on 7 November 2022, the Government approved the Provision on the Establishment of the Working Group on Reforming the Regulatory Framework for Entrepreneurship. The working group, will be coordinated by the Ministry of Economy with the support of the Secretariat of the Economic Council under the Prime Minister and will consist of representatives of government institutions, the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance, the Presidency Apparatus, as well as EU experts.
The main activity of the working group will be to prepare and promote legislative amendment packages on a regular basis, approximately every two months, until December 2023.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund, and the International Finance Corporation’s Investment Climate Reform Project funded by the Government of Sweden’s International Development Agency.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.
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