The current legislation of the Republic of Moldova needs to be supplemented in the area of private courier services and postal services in e-commerce. Today, no legislation regulates door-to-door express courier services. This is what the country’s business association sector is warning about.
The subject is being discussed at the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova with the participation of representatives of the country’s courier companies and the relevant state institutions. According to the business, during the pandemic period in Moldova, fast courier services have been expanding in the so-called door-to-door regime. But the spread of this service, along with e-commerce, has revealed a number of constraints and the need for special attention to this important economic sub-sector.
Representatives of the business community spoke of the need to supplement legislation with provisions dedicated to the private courier industry. The amendments that will become imperative with the entry into force of the new Customs Code, starting next year, must define the notion of private courier, the authority regulating the industry and the eligibility criteria for obtaining certification to carry out private courier activity. It also discussed the need to adjust a number of departmental acts to clarify the regime for the return of goods and international reimbursement of payments made under the e-commerce regime, accompanying documents and customs and tax declarations.
The business community’s proposals are being discussed at the Economic Council in the context of the implementation of the Roadmap for boosting the digitisation of the national economy and the development of e-commerce. In this regard, the Economic Council with the support of the FTA/USAID Project has developed a package of legislative amendments to facilitate the development of e-commerce in Moldova, with express courier services being an important link in this process.
Secretariatul Consiliului Economic pe lângă Prim-ministru este sprijinit de Banca Europeană pentru Reconstrucție și Dezvoltare, cu susținerea financiară a Fondului Guvernului Marii Britanii pentru Buna Guvernare și de proiectul Corporației Internaționale Financiare Reforma climatului investițional, finanțat de Agenția de Dezvoltare Internațională a Guvernului Suediei.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.
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