The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund


The evaluation report on e-commerce and the cashless economy in the Republic of Moldova was presented

24 February 2021 –  The report was prepared with the support of the USAID Structural Reform Program in Moldova. This report covers aspects related to the process of creating an e-store, at all stages, from the entrepreneur’s decision, costs, integrated modules and to attracting customers online, versus placing a product / service on a marketplace […]

Secretariat of the Economic Council in discussion with the German Economic Team

11 February 2021 –  The Secretariat of the Economic Council met with the Coordinator of the German Economic Team (GET), Ricardo Giucci, and the new GET Manager for Moldova Carolin Busch. The meeting discussed the activities already being collaborated on, such as optimizing the reporting burden and developing solutions from the Roadmap on digitizing the […]

Emergency Legal Advice for SMEs

During 2020, in the context of the pandemic crisis, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in partnership with the Economic Council under the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova and the Associated Law Firm of Gladei and Partners provided emergency legal advice to SMEs by organizing a series online webinars. Based on the […]

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova with the support of the EBRD will digitize ATA Carnets

4 February, 2021 – The project was launched to digitize the process of issuing ATA Carnets by the CCI. The project is funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The new module on will reduce the time and costs of issuing the Carnet. The project launch was attended by representatives of the […]

The roadmap on digitizing the economy will be completed with new topics

3 February, 2021 – The Secretariat of the Economic Council launched, at a meeting of the platform, the call to the members of the Council to collect additional proposals for the Roadmap for boosting the process of digitization of the national economy and development of electronic commerce. Currently the document contains 37 topics and they […]

The first proposals for legislative changes that would motivate companies to open nurseries for employees’ children are ready

3 February, 2020 – The Partnership for Development Center is the promoter of a series of ideas that would allow companies to create early education centers for employees’ children. Namely, the creation of a special regime through which to allow the establishment of a service or center with a partial program of activity; founding a […]

The Economic Council has improved its rating in the Opinion Poll for EC members

Download Survey February 2021 The results of the February 2021 survey show that respondents’ opinion on most topics has improved. Thus, in February 95% of respondents agree that the Economic Council promotes initiatives that correspond to the interests of business associations, good international practices and are supported by the international community. In September 2020, this […]