The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund


Economic Council recommendations have been included in the Government Action Plan for 2019-2020

August 30, 2019 – The Executive approved the Government Action Plan for the 2019-2020 on today`s meeting. The document includes actions for all areas of development of the state. The plan has been publicly debated for a month both on online platforms and in meetings organized by ministries. The members of the Economic Council to […]

The Economic Council to the Prime Minister will also exercise the functions of the Advisory Council for small and medium enterprises

August 21, 2019 – A decision in this regard was taken at today’s Executive meeting, where the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Economic Council was amended. According to the document, to exercise of the functions of the Advisory Council for Small and Medium Enterprises within the Economic Council will be created a […]

Used footwear migth return on Moldovan markets

August 16, 2019 – Importers of used goods require the removal of restrictions on the import of used footwear in the country. Businessmen mentioned that the restrictions were imposed unjustified and developed over the years unfair competition, and the consumer was deprived of a diversity of quality for these types of products at affordable prices. […]

Parliament voted in two hearings on amendments to legislation on waste incineration

16 August 2019 – Economic Council was alerted about this issue in 2016 by the business community. Business associations, alongside the relevant ministry and environmentalists, have reviewed a number of proposed legal amendments, which have been discussed within the platform. The final version of these proposals was submitted to the Members of Parliament in October […]

Importers have difficulties in introducing food products into the country

14 august 2019 – The importers say that the difficulties are caused by some vagueness in the Regulation on the way of crossing the state border of the goods controlled by ANSA. Some international economic agents operating in Moldova mentioned at the meeting of the Economic Council that the subject was discussed, that only for […]

The entrepreneurs are unsatisfied by the mechanism for determining the amount of insurance for dangerous industrial objects

August 9, 2019 – The business community calls for the revision of the law on industrial safety of dangerous industrial objects. The topic was debated within the Economic Council Platform at the request of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure. Business representatives say that the latest amendments to the law on industrial security of dangerous […]