The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund


The new mechanism for the collection of private copying remuneration has entered into force

The new law on copyright and related rights has entered into force and has been published in the Official Gazette. The document sets out, among other things, three defining moments in the process of collecting compensatory remuneration for private copying. Thus, the new law has as an annex the list of objects for which the […]

Diaspora can get electronic signature in consulates

Diaspora can get electronic signature in consulates 20 May 2022 – The electronic signature has become accessible for Moldovan citizens settled in Spain. They can apply at the consulate and request the issuance of the public key certificate – Qualified Advanced Electronic Signature. Until now this service could only be requested on the territory of […]

Crèches for employees’ children can be opened on the premises of companies

22 April 2022 – From 25 April, new provisions of the Labour Code and the Education Code come into force, allowing employers to set up crèches for employees’ children on the premises of companies. The amendments were voted by Parliament in March this year, allowing employers to provide childcare for their employees aged 0-3 years, […]

First legislative package to digitalise the economy adopted

11 November 2021 – Parliament adopted today in final reading the first legislative package for the digitisation of the economy. The document implements a number of key actions of the “Roadmap for boosting the digitisation of the national economy and the development of e-commerce”, prepared by the Economic Council to the Prime Minister, with the […]

Google and Apple registered BizRadar app available to the public 

The “BizRadar” virtual business community app has been registered by Google and Apple. Thus, the app becomes accessible to all members of the Economic Council and all entrepreneurs in Moldova, who can download and install it from Google Play and Apple Store. The app has already been downloaded to mobile phones by several members of […]

MPay service, accessible also for economic agents

30 May 2021 – Two Moldovan commercial banks Moldincombank and VictoriaBank have connected their internet banking systems for legal entities to the MPay service. Thus, economic agents can now make any payments to the state without physically going to the bank. Until now, companies could not make payments to the state through MPay, the service […]

The so-called “luxury” tax for mobile operators will be reduced by 40%

30 December 2020 – Mobile operators have been paying the so-called “luxury” tax, or as it is officially called, the mobile phone tax since 2000. It was then set up to tax high-income people who could afford to buy a mobile phone, considered a luxury in those days. The subject was also discussed at the […]

VAT has been reduced from 15% to 12% for the HORECA sector

December 29, 2020 – Parliament reduced the value added tax for the HORECA sector from 15% to 12%. The implementation of this measure aims to support the sector in overcoming the effects of the crisis generated by the pandemic. Studies conducted by Moldovan business associations in 2020 have shown that one of the sectors most […]

Measures to stop brain drain from IT

December 29, 2020 – The Parliament extended by another 3 years the term of application of the fiscal facilities to the income tax provided for the employees whose basic activity is “realization of programs”. The deadline for applying these facilities expires in 2020. The business associations in the field addressed this topic during the elaboration […]

Employers will be able to deduct the expenses incurred for testing employees at COVID-19

28 December 2020 – From January 1, 2020, it is allowed to deduct the expenses incurred by the employer for testing employees in order to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the payments are non-taxable sources of income for employees. In the summer of 2020, the Secretariat of the Economic Council prepared the Impact […]