The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

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Open position of women’s economic empowerment and gender equality expert

The Economic Council to the Prime Minister has the mission to facilitate the dialogue between the business community and state authorities, so as to develop a favorable economic climate. Following this mission, the Council is committed to promoting gender equality and women economic empowerment. Know how to advocate for legal reforms that promote gender balance […]

The Customs Service maintains a constructive dialogue with business representatives

The Customs Service maintains a constructive dialogue with business representatives Today, the Customs Service held a public debate on the draft Customs Service Order laying down the procedure for export customs clearance of goods, which aims to streamline the transport of goods through border customs posts. The discussions were attended by the management of the […]

Moldovan National Trade Facilitation Committee, an example of successful functioning in the region

This was mentioned in the work of the Regional Workshop on Improving Cooperative Compliance with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. The event, which took place between March 16 and 18, 2021, was organized by the USAID Economic Development, Governance and Business Development (EDGE) project in cooperation with the EU-BMZ project to support regional integration implemented […]

Extended producer responsibility

August 12, 2020 – Authorities want to motivate businesses to participate more actively in the waste processing system. In this regard, the Ministry of Finance proposes a mechanism of fiscal facilities. The topic was discussed on the platform of the Economic Council at the request of the European Business Association, which has been promoting for […]

DCFTA as a Mitigation Tool for Business Recovery from COVID-19 Effects

21 July 2020 – Under GIZ Georgia funded survey, developed by EBA Georgia, EBA Ukraine and EBA Moldova within the “DCFTA as a Mitigation Tool for Business Recovery from COVID-19 Effects” in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine , a technical discussion was organized by EBA Moldova on the platform of Prime-minister Economic Council of RM in […]

Investment Councils at the forefront of the EBRD Covid-19 response

17 June 2020 – The EBRD-supported Investment Councils (ICs) are a key part of the Bank’s policy response to the coronavirus pandemic. These well-established platforms for dialogue help governments to develop policy responses which are supportive of business, especially where capacity has been constrained. From the outbreak of the crisis, IC secretariats have strengthened their efforts […]

Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Moldova holds meeting

9 June 2020 – Prime Minister Ion Chicu today participated in a plenary meeting of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister, held online, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported. In the beginning of the meeting, the PM said that we were experiencing unprecedented times. ‘’One hundred years ago, the mankind went through […]

Business requests optimization of controls by ANSA inspectors at the border

June 5, 2020 – This requires amending several provisions of the regulation on the procedure of crossing state border of goods subject to control by the National Food Safety Agency, approved by the Government on October 17, 2018. These amendments relate to procedures for carrying out border control of food of non-animal origin. ANSA inspectors […]

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Moldovan businesses

16 April 2020 – AmCham Moldova presented the results of the study ”Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Moldovan businesses: realities, expectations, actions” in a meeting on the Economic Council to the Prime Minister platform. The purpose of the Study is to identify the main factors generated by COVID-19 pandemic that are negatively affecting entrepreneurial […]

Subsidies for entrepreneurs

2 April 2020 – The cabinet approved a decision on taking responsibility on a draft law on the establishment of measures to support the citizens and the entrepreneurial activity in the state of emergency period and the amendment of some acts. The draft sees measures to back the entrepreneurial activity, in order to attenuate the […]

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