The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

Press Releases

71 million lei savings for business under Deregulation Package 3

The document contains amendments to the horizontal legislation in the field of state control. Among other things, it expands the scope of application of the law, adjusts the powers of inspection bodies in accordance with the areas of state control, introduces counter-examinations of inspectors for the application of measures and sanctions not expressly provided for […]

PM says Moldova safe place for investments

The Economic Council to the Prime Minister has marked one decade of work. Attending a festive event dedicated to the anniversary, Prime Minister Dorin Recean stressed the Council’s role in the identification and settlement of the challenges faced by the business environment and promotion of the investment opportunities in Moldova, the government’s communication department reported.  […]

ANOFM: 90 percent of Moldovan employers will have stable sales in 2024

22 percent of Moldovan economic agents expect an increase in demand for goods, products or services hoping for an improvement in the economic situation, the end of the war in Ukraine and the restoration of supply chains. 69 percent claim that demand for goods, products and services will remain on a stable line.This is according […]

Prime Minister Dorin Recean: “By 2028, Moldova must become a regional leader in the ease of doing business”

  Prime Minister Dorin Recean participated in the work of the working group on the reform of the regulatory framework for entrepreneurship. Its aim is to develop maps of obligations and processes established by the regulatory framework for several economic sectors. In other words, the working group will have to show how many requirements a […]

The Economic Council is a key instrument in promoting economic reforms

DOWNLOAD EC ANNUAL SURVEY 2023 This was the view of 96 percent of respondents to the annual survey of Economic Council members. According to the survey, 89 percent of respondents believe that the Economic Council promotes initiatives that are in line with the interests of business associations and international best practices. The data also shows […]

Oil companies want to set their own fuel prices at gas stations

  Representatives of several petrol station networks are calling for an end to the capping of petrol prices by ANRE’s application of a fixed commercial margin, as this practice has a negative impact on companies’ economic activity. Economic agents discussed this issue at the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, […]

A National Council for Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality will be created

  The National Council for Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality will operate within the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. The concept of the entity was presented in the working group “Women’s Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality”. According to Carolina Bugaian, president of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Moldova, […]

The Government has approved a Decision on the government’s remote person identification service (eKYC)

   The Executive approved today the concept of the Government Remote Person Identification Service (e-KYC) and designated the e-Government Agency as the owner and holder of the e-KYC service, which will ensure the implementation and continuous development of the e-KYC service; the integration of this service with the MobiSign service; the provision of the e-KYC […]

The Economic Council to the Prime Minister has new members

The Economic Council to the Prime Minister has new members Dorin Recean, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova has signed a provision accepting three new organisations as members of the Economic Council. They are the Embassy of Romania in the Republic of Moldova, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic […]

Customs Service in dialogue with business on the practical application of the new Customs Code

The Customs Service in partnership with the European Business Association in Moldova (EBA) held a workshop focused on the practical application of the new Customs Code, secondary and tertiary legislation. The event was organised on the platform of the Working Group 2 “Facilitation of Green Transition and Cross Border Trade” of the Economic Council to […]