The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

Press Releases

Simplifying bureaucracy remains a priority for the business environment in the Republic of Moldova

A recent survey conducted by the Secretariat of the Economic Council on the BizRadar platform highlighted a major issue faced by entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova: excessive bureaucracy. Entrepreneurs consider simplifying bureaucracy and excessive regulations a crucial measure to support the development of the business environment. Reducing these impediments would allow companies to focus […]

The Government has approved the Program for Promoting Green and Circular Economy 2024-2028

10 June 2024 – The programme will facilitate the transition to a circular economy, where waste is transformed into raw materials and reintroduced into the economic cycle, according to a press release from the Ministry of Environment. The programme encompasses a wide range of measures, including: The programme will encourage investment in the green economy, […]

New opportunities for the business community: Energy Sandbox paves the way for energy innovation!

The Cabinet of Ministers approved today, at the initiative of the Ministry of Energy, the draft law on innovative testing spaces in the field of energy regulation, according to a press release from the Ministry of Energy. The project allows companies in the energy sector to test innovative solutions with derogations from certain provisions […]

Companies, which place environmentally polluting products on the market, still have a few weeks to register on the List of Producers of Products Subject to EPR Regulation

Companies, which place environmentally polluting products on the market, still have a few weeks to register on the List of Producers of Products Subject to EPR Regulation As of May 2024, businesses across the country that place environmentally polluting products on the market and are not registered on the Producers’ List of products subject to […]

The National Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality Council has been officially launched

The National Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality Council has been officially launched Launching the Council was attended by the Prime Minister of Moldova, Dorin Recean, who stressed that the government’s goal is for every Moldovan woman to have the opportunities and resources to develop her own business. The newly created dialogue platform – the National […]

BizRadar, the virtual business community application, will be improved with the support of Helvetas Moldova

22 May 2024 – Helvetas Moldova will support the upgrade of BizRadar software through the OPTIM project. BizRadar is a virtual business community application, developed at the initiative of the Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Moldova, with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The software improvement […]

The government has simplified the public tendering requirements for green energy producers.

24 April 2024 – The government has approved amendments to the Regulation on the conduct of auctions to offer eligible producer status. According to Andrei Grițco, Secretary of State General of the Ministry of Energy, the new Regulation will streamline the participation requirements, procedures for the organisation and conduct of auctions for offering the status […]

The business community is invited to contribute to the process of harmonisation with EU legislation in Moldova’s EU accession negotiations

5 April 2024 – The mechanism for coordinating the accession process and the organisation and functioning of the negotiating team, as well as the stages of accession and the key sectors to focus on, were presented to the business community at the Working Group 5 “Increasing Moldova’s Competitiveness in the Context of EU Accession” of […]

Draft legislative proposals will be analysed in terms of their impact on women and men

Parliament has adopted legislative amendments requiring the Government to assess the impact of draft legislation on gender equity and equality. This measure will contribute to strengthening the principle of gender equality in public policy-making. The analysis will be mandatory for all draft legislation that may have a significant impact on gender equity and equality and […]

71 million lei savings for business under Deregulation Package 3

The document contains amendments to the horizontal legislation in the field of state control. Among other things, it expands the scope of application of the law, adjusts the powers of inspection bodies in accordance with the areas of state control, introduces counter-examinations of inspectors for the application of measures and sanctions not expressly provided for […]