The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

Information about sectors

ICT and creative industries

The transformation of the ICT sector from a semi-formal one to one that accounts for about 10% of GDP has been made possible by the smart policy of creating IT spaces. Creative industries (design, movie production, video game production) that for the moment face more difficulties, could have a similar trajectory. Even though the pandemic […]

Manufacturing of construction materials

The construction materials industry was deeply affected during the state of emergency when the stores   were officially closed. Turnover decreased during this period by 82%. It is true that online sales increased in the same period by 10 times compared to the period before the pandemic and maintained the positive trend after the reopening of […]

Automotive industry

Heavy industry in the Republic of Moldova is mostly represented by international companies. They supply components to car manufacturers, and their turnover directly depends on the volume of orders from abroad. Thus, one effect of the pandemic, which affects the world economy, is the decrease in investment consumption, therefore the demand for automotive components is […]


Agriculture is a fundamental link in ensuring food safety and, due to an increased demand for agricultural raw materials in partner countries, it also has a high export potential. One peculiarity of the agricultural sector is the fact that difficulties related to the pandemic have been eclipsed by those caused by drought. The low level […]


Along with the tourism industry, HORECA and trade, the transport sector is one of the most affected by the pandemic. To a different extent, all segments of this sector were adversely affected. Cargo transport had a decrease of 35% in the first 5 months of 2020 compared to the respective period of the previous year […]

Food industry

Food industry is a sector of utmost importance in terms of food safety. As part of the value chain in agriculture, this sector is closely linked to both agricultural production and retail units and HORECA. The export potential is significant, especially if we take into account the added value compared to agricultural raw materials. At […]


In the current phase of the pandemic, the major effects on the construction sector are late to show. A slowdown in home sales manifested itself during the quarantine months (March-April), when potential buyers did not have the physical opportunity to inspect the future home. However, home sales have resumed since May in volumes comparable to […]

Furniture manufacturing

The most noticeable impact on the furniture industry occurred during the state of emergency, when, along with other commercial units, the activity of furniture show rooms was stopped. The peculiarity of this industry is just-in-time production – within 2-3 weeks after placing orders through furniture show rooms. Respectively, even if there were no restrictions on […]


The coup de grace on hotels, restaurants and catering sector (HORECA) came from the very first days of the state of emergency. As for the accommodation providers, the reduction of tourists numbers (including businessmen visiting the Republic of Moldova) due to traffic restrictions has drastically reduced turnover, especially in urban centers. In a similar situation, […]


Against the backdrop of the pandemic, the situation in the wine sector “is not simple but it is not catastrophic either”. The absolute majority of wine production (85%) is aimed for exports, and during June there has already been a slight increase in bottled wine exports (especially to Romania, where they have gained a firm […]

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