The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

Economy digitization

Opportunities for digital transformation of Moldova discussed in dialogue with development partners

7 July 2021 – Acting Prime Minister Aureliu Ciocoi together with Dima Al-Khatib, UNDP resident representative in Moldova launched and co-chaired today Dialogue of development partners of digital transformation in the Republic of Moldova. The discussion brought together representatives of several government institutions and international partners such as the EBRD, USAID, the European Union, etc., […]

Some notary services can be provided to business entities remotely

29 July 2021 – The Chamber of Notaries, the Public Service Agency, the Electronic Government Agency and the Information Technology and Cyber ​​Security Service met with experts from the Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister to discuss possible solutions that would allow the digitalization of notary services in Moldova. During the discussions, […]

Proposals for the digitization of economic processes will be presented to the Government

18 June 2021  –  Immediately after the stabilization of the political situation in the country, the Secretariat of the Economic Council will present to the authorities a document with additional proposals for the digitization of economic processes. In the last two months, about 50 new topics have been collected for the Roadmap for digitizing the […]

MPay service, accessible also for economic agents

30 May 2021 – Two Moldovan commercial banks Moldincombank and VictoriaBank have connected their internet banking systems for legal entities to the MPay service. Thus, economic agents can now make any payments to the state without physically going to the bank. Until now, companies could not make payments to the state through MPay, the service […]

Through an application the business will be able to alert online the problems they face

April 15, 2021 – The application was developed at the initiative of the Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. Experts working on the concept of the application claim that through this software, for the first time in Moldova, a virtual business community will be created. Through the […]

The Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance will examine in public hearings the Legislative Package for the Digitalisation of the Economy

April 2, 2021 – Hearings on the draft law on amending approx. 30 pieces of legislation on the digitization of processes and remote interaction will take place on Tuesday, April 6, on the platform of the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance. The document provides for adjustments in legislation to allow remote business registration, […]

The evaluation report on e-commerce and the cashless economy in the Republic of Moldova was presented

24 February 2021 –  The report was prepared with the support of the USAID Structural Reform Program in Moldova. This report covers aspects related to the process of creating an e-store, at all stages, from the entrepreneur’s decision, costs, integrated modules and to attracting customers online, versus placing a product / service on a marketplace […]

The roadmap on digitizing the economy will be completed with new topics

3 February, 2021 – The Secretariat of the Economic Council launched, at a meeting of the platform, the call to the members of the Council to collect additional proposals for the Roadmap for boosting the process of digitization of the national economy and development of electronic commerce. Currently the document contains 37 topics and they […]

Measures to stop brain drain from IT

December 29, 2020 – The Parliament extended by another 3 years the term of application of the fiscal facilities to the income tax provided for the employees whose basic activity is “realization of programs”. The deadline for applying these facilities expires in 2020. The business associations in the field addressed this topic during the elaboration […]

The government’s entrepreneurial portal has been launched

December 8, 2020 – The governmental portal of the entrepreneur is available for all business people who have an electronic signature and can be accessed on Here are available two offices that can be accessed through authentication – the office of the individual, and the office of the entrepreneur, which includes five blocks of […]