The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

Marina Cojocaru

Ministry of Economy and infrastructure launches roadmap on e-Economy

28 May 2020 – In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, Ministry of economy and infrastructure developed a roadmap on digitisation of  economy and promotion of e-commerce. The document contains a series of proposals from business community, which were also collected with the support of the Economic Council. The document will be subject to public consultation […]

Legal support webinars for Small and Medium Enterprises

29 may 2020 – The Secretariat of the Economic Council organized a preparatory meeting for 3 webinars held by the Associated Law Firm “Gladei and Partners” on legal issues related to contractual issues and electronic commerce, labor relations and tax facilities, and litigation and insolvency. The objective of this meeting was the collection and structuring […]

Law on procedure to establish infringements and apply sanctions related to prevention of money-laundering

21 May 2020 – Economic Council Secretariat intervened at the beginning of this year, in association with National Employers Association, with withdrawing the draft from the Government meeting for further improvements, being alerted by business community. Economic Council Secretariat with interested business community worked on improvements, most of which were accepted by the Ministry of […]

The state simplifies the procedure for obtaining the right to irrigate with water from lakes

April 23, 2020 – Parliament voted in the final reading, legislative amendments that reduce the number of documents necessary to obtain the right to use water from water bodies for irrigation purposes. The new amendments stipulate the exclusion of certain acts for obtaining environmental authorization for the special use of water from ponds for irrigation […]

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Moldovan businesses

16 April 2020 – AmCham Moldova presented the results of the study ”Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Moldovan businesses: realities, expectations, actions” in a meeting on the Economic Council to the Prime Minister platform. The purpose of the Study is to identify the main factors generated by COVID-19 pandemic that are negatively affecting entrepreneurial […]

Quarterly Info Bulletin April 2020

Download Quarterly Info Bulletin April 2020 The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund, and the International Finance Corporation’s Investment Climate Reform Project funded by the Government of Sweden’s International Development Agency.

Subsidies for entrepreneurs

2 April 2020 – The cabinet approved a decision on taking responsibility on a draft law on the establishment of measures to support the citizens and the entrepreneurial activity in the state of emergency period and the amendment of some acts. The draft sees measures to back the entrepreneurial activity, in order to attenuate the […]

The government establishes a moratorium on controls on the entrepreneurial activity

March 24, 2020 – The Commission for Exceptional Situations has enforced a moratorium on state controls in businesses, until June 1, 2020.  Thus, the moratorium is enforced on state control, including tax and financial, quality of products/ services, technological parameters and / or specific requirements for business opperation. There will also be no planned or […]

Moldovan premier invites business associations to discussion

18 March 2020 – Prime Minister Ion Chicu today discussed with a group of business associations the issue on the effects of the evolution of the epidemiological situation on the national economy. The representatives of the business environment provided information about the impact of the restrictions imposed in the context of the spread of COVID-19 […]