The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

Marina Cojocaru

Investment Councils at the forefront of the EBRD Covid-19 response

17 June 2020 – The EBRD-supported Investment Councils (ICs) are a key part of the Bank’s policy response to the coronavirus pandemic. These well-established platforms for dialogue help governments to develop policy responses which are supportive of business, especially where capacity has been constrained. From the outbreak of the crisis, IC secretariats have strengthened their efforts […]

The pandemic brought the idea of apprenticeship back to life

15 June 2020 – The apprenticeship becomes important especially now, when tens of thousands of Moldovan citizens have returned from abroad, and who want to work, but do not have the necessary qualifications for the chosen position. National legislation regulates work-based apprenticeship, but in a confusing form, say experts of the Economic Council who advocate […]

Economic Council to Prime Minister of Moldova holds meeting

Prime Minister Ion Chicu today participated in a plenary meeting of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister, held online. In the beginning of the meeting, the PM said that we were experiencing unprecedented times. ‘’One hundred years ago, the mankind went through a tough epidemic; yet, at that time, the people were not so […]

Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Moldova holds meeting

9 June 2020 – Prime Minister Ion Chicu today participated in a plenary meeting of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister, held online, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported. In the beginning of the meeting, the PM said that we were experiencing unprecedented times. ‘’One hundred years ago, the mankind went through […]


The major impact on the textile industry in the Republic of Moldova is due to changes in consumer preferences related to the pandemic worldwide. As a result of the reduced consumption of clothing, orders from abroad decreased by more than 70% for 2/3 of the companies in this sector, which will lead to an estimated […]

Economic Council meetings

The Council is led by the Prime Minister and it meets upon his initiative. The plenary meetings, in full componence of the Council, are meant for organizing, planning, and reporting the activity of the Council. Additionally, the plenary meetings are used to discuss the most intricate problems which need Prime Ministers’ special attention.   The activity […]

Business requests optimization of controls by ANSA inspectors at the border

June 5, 2020 – This requires amending several provisions of the regulation on the procedure of crossing state border of goods subject to control by the National Food Safety Agency, approved by the Government on October 17, 2018. These amendments relate to procedures for carrying out border control of food of non-animal origin. ANSA inspectors […]


Trade is by far the largest sector in the real economy, accounting for a quarter of the number of employees and more than half of turnover. At the same time, it is the most connected sector to other industries, the dependence of the latter to the access to the local market is crucial. Retail trade […]

EBRD Investment Councils Conference

3 June 2020 – The EBRD Investment Councils Conference took place between 2 and 3 June 2020. The conference focused on the Investment Councils’ role in supporting the EBRD’s Countries of Operation in the economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The conference was opened by EBRD’s First Vice President, Mr Jurgen Rigterink, who reconfirmed the […]

Communication Strategy of the Economic Council

Communication Strategy of the Economic Council The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is  supported  by  the  European  Bank  for  Reconstruction  and  Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund, and the World Bank Group project “Investment Climate Reform”, funded by the Swedish Government.