The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

Marina Cojocaru

Quarterly Info Bulletin July 2020

Download Quarterly Info Bulletin July 2020 The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund, and the International Finance Corporation’s Investment Climate Reform Project funded by the Government of Sweden’s International Development Agency.


The coup de grace on hotels, restaurants and catering sector (HORECA) came from the very first days of the state of emergency. As for the accommodation providers, the reduction of tourists numbers (including businessmen visiting the Republic of Moldova) due to traffic restrictions has drastically reduced turnover, especially in urban centers. In a similar situation, […]

Uncertainty for cigarette sellers

July 10, 2020 – From August 15, 2020, the display of cigarettes in shop windows and shelves is prohibited. Businesses have begun installing new shelves. However, economic agents say that when the seller opens the shelf, the cigarettes can become visible. Thus, the economic agent will violate the law and will be liable to punishment. […]


Against the backdrop of the pandemic, the situation in the wine sector “is not simple but it is not catastrophic either”. The absolute majority of wine production (85%) is aimed for exports, and during June there has already been a slight increase in bottled wine exports (especially to Romania, where they have gained a firm […]

Legal aid webinars

7 July 2020 – The legal assistance Webinar series of the “Emergency legal advice” project, organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in partnership with the Economic Council and the Law Office Gladei and Partners has started. The events are targeting  local SMEs and aim to raise awareness of the business environment […]

The “Evaluation of the impact of COVID-19 on the business climate” survey was launched

6 July 2020 – The survey, which will be conducted between 6-18 July 2020, is addressed to companies from all sectors of the national economy and can be accessed HERE. Through the survey, the representatives of the business community will be able to provide information about the factors that have a negative impact on the […]

A government business portal will be put into operation in the next few months

24 June 2020 – The government approved the regulation on the use, administration and development of government business portal. Through this portal, businesses in Moldova are provided with a simpler access, through a single online-point to official information of public interest and those about the company, available in the registers and information systems of data […]

Support measures for business community

6 May 2020 – Download  support measures for business community This document contains information on support measures for business community during the emergency period. The document reflects the information as it is on the 6th of May  2020. The information was collected by experts from the Secretariat of the Economic Council. The Secretariat of the […]

Which sectors of the economy are most affected and what urgent support measures should the state provide?

22 June 2020 – Answers to these questions should be given by the Study on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic  on economic sectors to be carried out by the Economic Council in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in conjunction with other […]


Restrictions imposed on interstate traffic by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova and other states have seriously affected tourism. The first blow was from the cancellation of previously made reservations. In the absolute majority of cases, these bookings accounted for more than 60% of turnover. Thus, travel agencies lost about 52 million lei in […]