The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

The new mechanism for the collection of private copying remuneration has entered into force

The new law on copyright and related rights has entered into force and has been published in the Official Gazette. The document sets out, among other things, three defining moments in the process of collecting compensatory remuneration for private copying. Thus, the new law has as an annex the list of objects for which the […]

Progress and the need to update the Roadmap for the digitisation of the economy discussed at iCouncil

21 out of 80 objectives of the Roadmap for boosting the digitisation of the economy and the development of e-commerce are already in place, following the implementation of the Digital Package 1.0 and related actions promoted by the Economic Council. A further 26 are to be achieved with the promotion of the eCommerce Package. Thus, […]

Information campaign on the need and value of implementing equal pay for equal work

Information campaign on the need and value of implementing equal pay for equal work The Economic Council Secretariat, in collaboration with UN Women Moldova and with the financial support of Sweden, is launching an information campaign among employers, both in the real sector of the economy and in the public sector, on the need for […]

The study “Support for the implementation of e-Commerce infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova” was made public

The study “Support for the implementation of e-Commerce infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova” was made public The Economic Council has made public the study and recommendations on the development of e-commerce infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova, developed with the support of the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund. According to the study, FinTech companies […]

Discussions at the Economic Council on the concept of the Digital Transformation Strategy and the eCommerce legislative Package

Discussions at the Economic Council on the concept of the Digital Transformation Strategy and the eCommerce legislative Package The business community, member of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, debated within the Working Group of the platform “Advisory Council for the Digitization of the Economy – iConsiliu” the draft […]

Natalia Gavrilița: “We are mobilizing all the international support to get out of the crisis we are going through and help the population and the business community”

Natalia Gavrilița: “We are mobilizing all the international support to get out of the crisis we are going through and help the population and the business community” The influence of the regional situation on the economic activity in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the solutions to overcome the most pressing problems faced by […]

Diaspora can get electronic signature in consulates

20 May 2022 – The electronic signature has become accessible for Moldovan citizens settled in Spain. They can apply at the consulate and request the issuance of the public key certificate – Qualified Advanced Electronic Signature. Until now this service could only be requested on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. It will soon […]

Foreign investors are waiting for the auction of 1654 MW to be produced from renewable sources

Foreign investors are waiting for the auction of 1654 MW to be produced from renewable sources According to data from Moldelectrica, there are currently 44 registered investment projects in the field of renewable energy production, which would qualify for the tender, with a total power of over 1000 MW. About 80% of these projects concern […]

Exchange of experience in the field of gender equality and social inclusion between the experts of the Economic Council of Georgia and Moldova.

Exchange of experience in the field of gender equality and social inclusion between the experts of the Economic Council of Georgia and Moldova. At the initiative of development partners – the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the UK Embassies in Moldova and Georgia, on July 20 an exchange of experience in the field […]

Do you have problems with state controls and sanctions imposed on businesses?

Do you have problems with state controls and sanctions imposed on businesses? Download BizRadar Businesses are being urged to speak out about the burden of state control and sanctions imposed by regulators through a survey launched on the business community app BizRadar. The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is going […]