The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund

Consultancy opportunities EBRD funded project

Consultancy opportunities EBRD funded project: 

Digitization of public services for companies in the Republic of Moldova – creation of the Electronic Notarisation platform (eNotary)

Submission closing date: 1st April 2025

  1. Objective of the project

In response to a request from the Government of Moldova, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development has launched a pilot project to support the government’s reforms agenda with the development of the e-Notary platform.

The e-Notary platform will allow businesses and citizens to remotely access digital notary services, enhancing accessibility, efficiency, and transparency.

This initiative represents a key step forward in Moldova’s digital transformation, aligning with international best practices and improving the ease of doing business in the country.

The development of the e-Notary portal, will follow the international best practice, including but not limited to the following tasks:

  1. Develop the e-Notary platform in accordance with the business and technical requirements developed during the first stage of the project.
  2. Installation of the implemented system in cloud based governmental infrastructure (MCloud). Test the developed system and assist Beneficiary (MoJ/NCM) in acceptance of the system.
  3. Provide training sessions to the Beneficiary’s (MoJ/NCM) personnel.
  4. Elaborate the technical and end-user documentation.
  5. Provide Warranty and Maintenance of the system.

The Project is expected to start in Q2 2025 and is estimated to be performed in 12 months of which 9 months for development & deployment, and 3 months for maintenance & adoption period.

  • Submissions Details and Instructions:

Interested consultants or consortium consultants must submit the request as per the guidance as below.

  1. The full details of the assignment, Terms of Reference, are included in the procurement dossier, which can be accessed by registered Consultants on the at EBRDs recruitment portal SMART by GEP –


To view further details of this event, the RFX documents or submit a proposal, please log in to EBRD’s SMART website.

If you have never worked with EBRD, please register as a supplier in SMART, via the following link (you will be taken directly to SMART’s registration site hosted on the domain: Applicants Registration Form

[1] SMART by GEP is compatible only with Chrome and Microsoft Edge

The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.

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