The Customs Service in partnership with the European Business Association in Moldova (EBA) held a workshop focused on the practical application of the new Customs Code, secondary and tertiary legislation. The event was organised on the platform of the Working Group 2 “Facilitation of Green Transition and Cross Border Trade” of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova and was attended by more than 80 representatives of business and public authorities.
At the meeting, Deputy Director of the Customs Service Lidia Ababii noted that ensuring the proper functioning of the business environment under the new customs procedures is in the sights of the customs authority, and in this regard, open communication is maintained with stakeholders to provide the necessary support in the proper application of the regulatory framework and improve the mechanisms for facilitating economic activity.
The management of the Customs Service reviewed the achievements made during 2023 in the implementation of the customs agenda of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement, as well as outlined the priorities for the current year, projects to modernize the infrastructure and increase the capacities of the customs authority, as well as the expansion of instruments to facilitate cross-border trade. At the same time, it was reiterated that another priority objective of the Customs Service for 2024 is the implementation of the New Computerized Transit System (NCTS), the testing of which is planned for April 2024, and the preparation of Moldova’s accession to the Convention on Common Transit – in the first half of 2025.
With reference to the technical aspects of customs procedures, specialists from the Customs Service informed about the secondary and tertiary regulatory framework regulating import/export procedures, customs procedures and guarantees, and also referred to the adjustments of the information systems in the process of implementation, as well as the new functionalities that are in the final stages of testing and will be accessible in the coming period.
The workshop provided an opportunity for a dialogue with the business community through a question and answer session on the applicability of the new customs procedures, which were explained in detail by specialists from the Customs Service.
EBA Executive Director Mariana Rufa thanked the management of the Customs Service for the constant and open dialogue on the subject of the new Customs Code, both in the process of drafting the regulatory framework, but also once the new provisions enter into force, and expressed her conviction that together with the relevant authorities the best solutions will be identified and adopted to facilitate business activity.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.