The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund


Development of remote business in the Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Economy has initiated the process of public consultation on the draft law for the amendment of some normative acts: Development of remote business in the Republic of Moldova /Contactless Business in Moldova” (*/9912 ) The initiative was prepared on the Economic Council platform and launched by the Deputy Prime Minister for Digitisation and […]

Parliament voted a set of legislative measures on e-commerce

E-commerce is growing rapidly in the Republic of Moldova, but current legislation does not reflect this branch of the national economy to the extent necessary. At the initiative of the Ministry of Economy and the Economic Council to the Prime Minister, a set of legislative measures to update the legislation on e-commerce and consumer protection […]

Dumitru Alaiba: “There is a great appetite for economic reforms, and I want to assure you that we will carry them out”

The first legislative package on deregulation of entrepreneurship was publicly discussed on the platform of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova within the working group “Advisory Council on MSMEs,” headed by the Minister of Economy. The proposed amendments are aimed at reducing bureaucratic red tape and a number of […]

The work of the Economic Council Secretariat to the Prime Minister discussed with donors

In 2022 the work of the Economic Council Secretariat focused on supporting a range of reforms to improve Moldova’s business environment affected by the global pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Experts of the Economic Council Secretariat reviewed the results achieved in promoting reforms related to the digital economy, the effects of the first legislative […]

Less requirements and bureaucracy  for entrepreneurs and investors

Legislative changes are being drafted to reduce the requirements and bureaucracy  that today’s economic operators are unduly burdened with. Thus, it is proposed to amend the Labour Code, making it optional to keep daily records of working hours, to schedule annual leave, to have internal regulations, to have pre-contracts, to give notice and make requests […]