The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund


The entrepreneur will no longer have to physically interact with the customs and postal agent when exporting his goods

The Customs Service and the Moldovan Post Office have made the process of exporting goods worth up to €1000 as simple as possible. The entrepreneur no longer has to go through the cumbersome procedure of submitting the CN 23 customs declaration. According to Vitalie Stratan, Head of the Customs Control Section of the Customs Service, […]

The new mechanism for the collection of private copying remuneration has entered into force

The new law on copyright and related rights has entered into force and has been published in the Official Gazette. The document sets out, among other things, three defining moments in the process of collecting compensatory remuneration for private copying. Thus, the new law has as an annex the list of objects for which the […]

Digital customs services and paperless exports

On 15 September this year, the second phase of the project to modernise the Customs Service’s information systems to facilitate export procedures, including online exports, was launched, consisting of 3 components: paperless customs services; customs decision management system for suspensive procedures; creation of a cabinet of the exporting economic agent. Financial support of around €1 […]