The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund


Employers will be able to open crèches for employees’ children on company premises

17 February  2022 – A draft law to this effect was passed by Parliament at first reading. The document provides for amendments to the Labour Code, which is to be supplemented with a new article: “in order to ensure the reconciliation of work and family life, the employer may offer childcare services to his employees […]

People who have no vocational qualifications or want to change their qualifications will be able to do an apprenticeship at work

4 February 2022 – The authorities and the business community are discussing the draft amendment to the Labour Code and the draft Government Decision on Workplace Apprenticeships which would bring clarity to the regulation and application of this type of non-formal pre-vocational training. The discussions take place in the Economic Council under the Prime Minister […]

First solutions to facilitate remote working are discussed

3 February 2022 -Members of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister are discussing solutions to facilitate remote working. Today, Moldovan employers are having problems paying the salaries of their workers who work for them in another country, remotely. The main problem is that at the end of the month, when the employer has to […]