The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund
29 may 2020 – The Secretariat of the Economic Council organized a preparatory meeting for 3 webinars held by the Associated Law Firm “Gladei and Partners” on legal issues related to contractual issues and electronic commerce, labor relations and tax facilities, and litigation and insolvency.
The objective of this meeting was the collection and structuring of topics of major interest, which will be discussed in the framework of legal support for small and medium enterprises project which will be launched in June.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Advice for Small Business Team and the Transition Law Team, with the support of the Small Business Impact Fund of the EBRD and the Government of the Republic of Korea, launched a project of legal support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic of Moldova, meant to provide practical legal support to enterprises affected by the crisis. This initiative is carried out in collaboration with the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. As a legal partner, the Gladei and Partner Associate Law Firm has been selected, whose lawyers will hold 3 webinars on legal topics related to contractual issues and e-commerce, labor relations and tax facilities, litigation and insolvency.
To ensure that the information presented at the webinars will reflect the legal issues of major interest to SMEs, ECS organized an online meeting on the platform of the Economic Council, with the participation of lawyers and business associations. After the completion of the webinars, written explanatory guides will be elaborated focused on the legal aspects discussed.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund, and the International Finance Corporation’s Investment Climate Reform Project funded by the Government of Sweden’s International Development Agency.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.