21 February 2020 – According to the estimates of the Secretariat of the Economic Council, companies in certain sectors spend millions of euros to prepare and submit reports. , și altor informații, instituțiilor satului. Most of these expenses are unjustified and can be avoided, economic agents say.
The topic of reducing the reporting burden for the business community is the focus of the Economic Council, since 2017. Through Working Group 5 – Improving Moldova’s position in international economic rankings, solutions for reducing the reporting burden are identified.
At today’s Working Group meeting, representatives of state institutions and the business community explored the possibilities of connecting other authorities to the Single Reporting Desk. Representatives of the business community argue that the state must make more efforts to minimize reporting costs.
In the next period the participants in the debates will come with proposals for optimization or even exclusion of some reports. The proposals will be synthesized and analyzed, in collaboration with the relevant institutions within the Economic Council platform.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.
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