The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund


Business, Donors, state institutions and research organizations have expressed their views on the Economic Council’s activity

The perception of the members of the Economic Council about this platform has improved. This is the results of the opinion poll conducted by the Secretariat of the Economic Council every half year. If in August 2019, 12 percent of the respondents expressed partial disagreement with the view that the Economic Council is an effective […]

Reporting to the state is still too much of a burden for business

21 February 2020 – According to the estimates of the Secretariat of the Economic Council,  companies in certain sectors spend millions of euros to prepare and submit reports. , și altor informații, instituțiilor satului. Most of these expenses are unjustified and can be avoided, economic agents say. The topic of reducing the reporting burden for the […]

The labor market in Moldova is increasingly demanded by migrant workers

14 February 2020 – This is confirmed by the data of the National Agency for Employment (NAE) presented by the director of NAE at the meeting of the Working Group 6 Development of the Labor Market within the Economic Council. According to Raisa Dogaru, if in 2018, 870 migrants applied for a residence permit in […]