According to the annual report Doing Business 2020, published by the World Bank on 24 October 2019, Moldova has increased by 16 positions in the compartment permissive acts in construction. For the first time in recent years, the country has advanced so much at this point in the ranking – from 172 out of 156.
Doing Business was taken into account the result of the enforcement of the reformed normative framework, by the public authorities. Following the reform, Doing Business 2020 mentions that in Moldova 9 procedures were eliminated in the compartment Permissive acts in construction.
The business no longer has to obtain sanitary and environmental permits for the land intended for construction; environmental and sanitary approvals for project documentation.
Doing Business also notes that after the reform, at the end of the construction work, only one of the two previously existing commissions is organized. At the same time, some procedures related to carrying out the control in constructions have been eliminated, which today the authorized bodies do, based on the risks.The reform lasted two years with the participation of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and the support of the Secretariat of the Economic Council with the Prime Minister.
Experts from the International Financial Corporation (IFC) – World Bank Group and the Agency for International Cooperation of Germany (GIZ) participated in the expertise of this reform, promoted by the Economic Council.
Out of 10 indicators in Doing Business, the position of Moldova improved to five indicators, four indicators worsened and one indicator remained unchanged. Doing Business 2020, Moldova ranks 48th among 190 countries, down one position from the previous rating. This, according to experts, is due to the higher performance of other states.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund.
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