The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund


Communication strategy 2019-2020

Communication strategy 2019-2020 The Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister is  supported  by  the  European  Bank  for  Reconstruction  and  Development, funded by the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund, and the World Bank Group project “Investment Climate Reform”, funded by the Swedish Government.  

Constraints at company registration and changes in registration status caused by recent Law on money laundering no. 308

18 January 2019 – The Law on money laundering no. 308 entered into force on 23.02.2018. There are provisions which oblige Public Services Agency to request data about effective beneficiary of businesses when rendering them services related to registration and changing registration information. Public Services Agency started to request declaration with data from companies. In […]

Limitations related to food served at PECO stations

18 January 2019  – The new provision of the Health Regulations on the protection of the health of the population and employees against the risks associated with the operation of the filling stations for petroleum products came into force at 18 January 2019. Until now, only packaged products could be marketed in PECO stations. Now, […]

Unification of two analytical elements – Regulatory impact assessment and Ex-ante assessment

18 January 2019 – Law 100/2017 on normative acts requires the public official to carry out, among other things, two types of analysis in the process of drafting normative acts: ex-ante assessment and the regulatory impact assessment (RIA). RIA was to be developed for normative acts with potential impact on the business environment, and ex-ante […]

Constraints for the businesses, caused by anti-money laundering legislation

18 January 2019 – In the context of the implementation of the Law no. 308 on preventing and combating money laundering and financing of terrorism of 2018 (hereinafter – the “Law 308/18”), upon the incorporation of legal entities, or operation of changes in their incorporation documents, the Public Services Agency (ASP) requests from investors information […]